“China’s Strategic Thinking, 2021-2024”


Consumer Buycotts and Supply Chain Diplomacy:Japan’s Responses to China’s Seafood Ban

August 24 marked the one-year anniversary of Japan commencing the discharge of ALPS treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean.1 Despite a positive report […]

National Commentaries

“ROK-Australia-Japan Cooperation”

A Perspective from the ROK

The South Korean perspective toward ROK-Australia-Japan cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region is distinctive, given divergent threat perceptions and sensitivity to Chinese responses. What makes South Korea distinctive from […]

A Perspective from Australia

Amid a proliferation of new minilateral groupings in the Indo-Pacific, there is fresh momentum building behind a new arrangement: a trilateral featuring Australia, Japan and South Korea. On […]

A Perspective from Japan

On the eve of a critical US presidential election, US allies would be well advised to prepare for any eventualities. Donald Trump’s “America First” thinking leaves all uncertain […]

Country Reports

South Korea
Country Report: South Korea (August 2024)

Over two months in July and August, South Korea faced major unpredictable international political challenges. US presidential election prospects, changing rapidly, have become unsettled by the attempted assassination […]

Country Report: South Korea (June 2024)

May and June can be characterized as a period marked by efforts to enhance relations with China and proactive engagement across multiple fronts in Asia and Africa, while […]

Country Report: South Korea (April 2024)

The unfolding events in South Korea between March and April 2024 demonstrate a dynamic environment influenced by complex diplomatic strategies and regional tensions. The South Korean general elections […]

Country Report: South Korea (February 2024)

South Korea and the United States have decided to begin negotiation this year to conclude the 12th Special Defense Cost-Sharing Agreement (SMA), which will take effect from 2026. […]

Country Report: South Korea (December 2023)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized the importance of fostering military ties and collaborative security efforts during his November 8-9 visit to South Korea, particularly in the […]

Country Report: China (August 2024)

In mid-2024, Chinese analysts assessed the strength and efficacy of ASEAN in the context of intensifying China–US competition. They explored the impact of this major power competition on […]

Country Report: China (June 2024)

In early 2024, Chinese analysts assessed India’s efforts to assert greater influence in the Global South. One article evaluated India’s attempts to replace China as the leader of […]

Country Report: China (April 2024)

In early 2024, Chinese analysts carefully examined developments in the Indo-Pacific. They explored the differences between India and Japan as regional powers and the reasons for each country […]

Country Report: China (February 2024)

During the winter of 2023–4, Chinese analysts devoted significant attention to developments in the Indo-Pacific, with particular attention to the role of India. One analyst examined the relationship […]

Country Report: China (December 2023)

In late 2023, Chinese analysts devoted significant attention to the Indo-Pacific. One analyst examined the implementation of the US Indo-Pacific Strategy under the Biden administration, while evaluating internal […]

Country Report: Japan (August 2024)

In the waning summer of the Kishida administration, Japanese were concerned about a fast-deteriorating international environment. High hopes on the G7 continued, linked to praise of how the […]

Country Report: Japan (June 2024)

Despite Chinese efforts to revitalize economic relations with Japan, the spring of 2024 saw no resurgence of optimism. The shadow of China’s boycott of Japanese marine products as […]

Country Report: Japan (May 2024)

On February 16 Yomiuri discussed a proposed law making it easier to share secrets and conduct joint research. This aimed to raise Japan to the international level for […]

Country Report: Japan (March 2024)

Through the winter of 2024, as Kishida Fumio suffered low ratings amid an LDP funding scandal, foreign affairs were a secondary concern. End-of-year and start-of-year meetings kept relations […]

Country Report: Japan (January 2024)

In the late autumn of 2023, there was no dramatic development in Japanese foreign policy. Prime Minister Kishida’s trip to the San Francisco APEC summit reinforced existing thinking […]

Country Report: Russia (September 2024)

Through the summer of 2024 no issue related to East Asia drew more attention than ongoing troubles in Sino-Russian bilateral trade. Other themes were Sino-US relations, China’s economic […]

Country Report: Russia (May 2024)

Putin’s May trip to China and June trips to North Korea and Vietnam showcased the Asian axis of his pursuit of a new world order. Some commentators abroad […]

Country Report: Russia (March 2024)

China, Sino-US relations, North Korea, India, and the BRICS as well as a possible Japan-North Korea summit drew attention in Russian publications in the first months of 2024. […]

Country Report: Russia (January 2024)

Vladimir Putin’s visit to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, or One Belt One Road (OBOR) in Russian eyes) summit in Beijing, Xi Jinping’s summit with Joe Biden […]

Country Report: Russia (November 2023)

Favorite themes in Russian publications in the late summer and fall of 2023 were the BRICS summit—a symbol of a new world order led by Russia and China—the […]