Country Report: China (June 2024)

In early 2024, Chinese analysts assessed India’s efforts to assert greater influence in the Global South. One article evaluated India’s attempts to replace China as the leader of […]

Country Report: China (April 2024)

In early 2024, Chinese analysts carefully examined developments in the Indo-Pacific. They explored the differences between India and Japan as regional powers and the reasons for each country […]

Country Report: Russia (March 2024)

China, Sino-US relations, North Korea, India, and the BRICS as well as a possible Japan-North Korea summit drew attention in Russian publications in the first months of 2024. […]

Country Report: Japan (March 2024)

Through the winter of 2024, as Kishida Fumio suffered low ratings amid an LDP funding scandal, foreign affairs were a secondary concern. End-of-year and start-of-year meetings kept relations […]

A View from Russia on Sino-Russian Relations in 2023-24

Richard Weitz, Hudson Institute1 This year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This article first discusses recent Russian […]


Faced with Donald Trump’s unprecedented disruptions to US foreign policy and Kim Jong-un’s roller-coaster ride (from repeated provocations in 2017 to a diplomatic offensive in 2018), Xi Jinping […]

China’s Strategic Thinking toward the US Role in the Indo-Pacific, 2017-2020

No administration has been more consequential or definitive than the Trump administration in altering the course of US-China relations since the normalization of diplomatic relations between the United […]

Repulsing Challenges to Sinocentrism in Northeast Asia, 2017-2020

Repeatedly, over the period 2017 to 2020, China’s leaders felt challenged over their agenda for Northeast Asia, with plans for other arenas also disrupted. The THAAD deployment, the […]

China’s Strategic Thinking toward India, 2017-2020

China–India relations from 2017 to 2020 fluctuated dramatically against a rapidly changing global environment. The period was bookended by two territorial disputes which drove bilateral relations to depressing […]

China’s Strategic Thinking toward Central Asia, 2013-2024

China’s thinking toward Central Asia is encapsulated by its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a grand strategy that has evolved over the past decade although Beijing has warned […]