Malaysia-China Relations after MH370: Policy Change or Business as Usual?

Malaysia and China have seen one of the most cordial and productive relationships in the Asia-Pacific throughout the post-Cold War era, one with implications beyond their bilateral ties. […]

Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) of China, Japan and the ROK

A new impetus for regional cooperation arose at the third Korea-Japan-China trilateral summit held on May 30, 2010 on Jeju Island. Upon agreement among the three heads of […]

Asian Multilateralism: Introduction

In the mid-2010s multilateralism centered on East Asia stands at a turning point. What are its main purposes? What balance of power—military, economic, and cultural—will it reflect? Who […]

ASEAN-led Multilateralism and Regional Order: The Great Power Bargain Deficit

The post-Cold War East Asian and Asia-Pacific strategic landscape has been dominated by three factors: 1) the United States’ military preponderance underpinned by its hub-and-spokes San Francisco system […]

Introduction to Special Forum on Sino-Russian Relations in Triangular Context

The year 2013 is memorable for the increasing liveliness of discussions about the future of Sino-Russian relations. When Xi Jinping made his first visit as president in March […]

Southeast Asian Perspective

"China and International Law/Norms: Southeast Asian Perspective" Peaceful Development towards a Sinocentric Asia? China’s rise has resulted in a fundamental shift of the strategic balance in the world. […]

Making Headway on the “Economic-Security Nexus”: Contributions from Southeast Asia

What is the relationship between economic growth, interdependence, and competition on the one hand, and geopolitical security and stability on the other? Do international trade, production, and investment […]

Country Report: Russia (September 2013)

Russia’s thirst for multipolarity on terms that would not require reconsideration of its assumptions about countries active in East Asia was on vivid display through the summer. Hopes […]