“China’s Strategic Thinking, 2021-2024”


Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Arctic: Will NATO Step up to the Challenge?

Russian-Chinese cooperation in the Arctic constitutes a challenge to all Arctic NATO member states. Nevertheless, so far national defense priorities do not reflect that the Arctic is undergoing […]

From Like-Minded to Like-Acting: The EU-ROK Strategic Partnership in Times of Crisis

The year 2023 marked the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the European Union (EU). From early beginnings […]

National Commentaries

“South Korean Threat Perceptions”

A View from South Korea

Threat perceptions are all relative and often do not correspond to objective reality. They are shaped not only by history, proximity, and the nature of issues between countries, […]

A View from the United States

The 2024 world faces globe-spanning conflict, political instability and polarization, and the threat of disinformation. Korea is not immune to these forces. The Yoon Suk-yeol administration has made […]

Country Reports

South Korea
Country Report: South Korea (August 2024)

Over two months in July and August, South Korea faced major unpredictable international political challenges. US presidential election prospects, changing rapidly, have become unsettled by the attempted assassination […]

Country Report: Japan (August 2024)

In the waning summer of the Kishida administration, Japanese were concerned about a fast-deteriorating international environment. High hopes on the G7 continued, linked to praise of how the […]

Country Report: Japan (June 2024)

Despite Chinese efforts to revitalize economic relations with Japan, the spring of 2024 saw no resurgence of optimism. The shadow of China’s boycott of Japanese marine products as […]
