South Korea’s Place in China’s Foreign Policy Discourse

Xi Jinping’s foreign policy agenda for the next ten years envisions a “new type of major power relations” (xinxing daguo guanxi) and proactive, “peripheral diplomacy” (zhoubian waijiao) with […]

Washington Insights: May 2014 (Part 2)

This is the second of two parts of this issue’s Washington Insights. It provides a synopsis of a panel discussion on March 29 at the annual meetings in […]

Synopsis of the Asan Plenum: “Future of History,” April 22-23, 2014

  Asan Plenum 2014 Agenda: File Download Dark shadows hung over this year’s Asan Plenum. Wearing yellow ribbons and also observing moments of silence, the participants were in […]

Washington Insights: May 2014 (Part 1)

This is the first of two parts of this issue’s Washington Insights. It consists of some reactions to late April seminars in Washington and a synopsis of a […]

Russo-Chinese Relations in Strategic Perspective

Russian and Chinese leaders regularly profess an ever-growing congruence of interests and ever-increasing economic, political, and even military cooperation. According to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in October 2013, […]

Evolution of Japan’s National Security Policy under the Abe Administration

This article is available in hardcopy & eBook format at the following site:

The Budget This Time: Taking the Measure of China’s Defense Spending

1Early last month, China announced its projected 2014 defense budget of 808 billion yuan (roughly USD 132 billion), a 12.2 percent increase over the previous year. This continues […]

Washington Insights: March 2014

The month of February was marked by a Japanese public relations blitz, to which DC audiences often responded, “where is South Korea in this strategy?” There was also […]

Washington Insights: February 2014

US year-end review programs were preoccupied with Syria and Iran with mention of Afghanistan, leaving little or no time for coverage of East Asia. They painted two leaders—Obama […]